Finding Your Profitable Niche: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Online Marketplace

Creating a successful online marketplace starts with finding the right niche. Identifying a profitable market segment is crucial for attracting both vendors and customers, ensuring the long-term viability and growth of your platform. In this SEO-friendly article, we will guide you through the process of finding the perfect niche for your online marketplace. By following …

The Advantages of Upgrading from WC Vendors to WC Vendors Pro: Unleashing the Power of Your Multivendor Marketplace

In the dynamic world of ecommerce, multivendor marketplaces have become a popular choice for entrepreneurs seeking to harness the potential of collaborative selling. WC Vendors has long been a trusted plugin for creating such marketplaces on WordPress. However, for those looking to take their online business to new heights, upgrading to WC Vendors Pro presents …

Commission Settings in WC Vendors – Product Category Commission Settings

Welcome to the third installment of Commission Settings in WC Vendors. If you missed our other posts, you can view them here: WC Vendors – The Commission Hierarchy WC Vendors – Product Level Commission Settings Within the commission hierarch of WC Vendors, if a product has a product specific commission, the next level of commission …

Commission Settings in WC Vendors – Product Level Commission Settings

Within the WC Vendors commission hierarchy, product level commission settings take precedence over all other commission settings.  For example, if you set a custom commission rate for a product, that commission rate will always be applied regardless of the commission rate set at the product category, vendor, or global level.  This is great for instances …

Commission Settings in WC Vendors – The Commission Hierarchy

WC Vendors Pro ships with a very robust commission system. In addition to supporting basic fixed and percentage commissions, WC Vendors gives you the flexibility to change the way commissions are calculated based on the product, product category, sales numbers, vendors involved, or all of the above. This flexibility is part of what makes WC …